Girly Geek is an ecommerce company providing clothing, costumes and accessories for smart women and girls in the science, math, and technology industries. We have t-shirts and long sleeve, shorts and pants, underwear and outerwear for proud geeks, women, men, girls, boys, and babies.
We have a goal. Currently we have product available for geeky girls. However, we want to be a place where girls and women can inspire and be inspired by their peers, other 'geeky' women. It does not matter what kind of geek - video games, old movies, neuroscience, computer programming... you name it.
The site is built on Joomla! 3.0 with Hikashop 2.0. We have only slightly modified the view pages and checkout thanks to Hikashop being a really great product!
Thank you Hikashop and thank you to the person(s) posting with the name Nicolas, putting this thing together