My partner and I are in the process of migrating our site to a new host and changing from Joomla 1.5 to 1.7. We are also changing to YOOtheme and implementing some ZOO features and widgetkit elements. But the biggest challenge is migrating from VM to HikaShop. So far we have only used VM as a catalog only. Going forward we would like to have a shop where we sell things, and catalogs where users can learn about products we do not yet sell. Sadly, our VM setup has been crap from the start -- all our fault as we did not understand what we were doing back in 2008 when we started. Most of our products are kitchen appliances and each product type has different attributes, buying criteria. So we have complex product sets, each type having complex sets of attributes that we want our users to easily filter and sort through.
We are halfway through the migration and now we discover HikaShop. Looks very good but we have no skills in this tool and little time. So we could do with some pro help to get things set up so we can import the products. We are not rich but we do have some budget to do this if we can find someone with the right skills/experience..