I am looking for two extensions of current hikashop functionality:
Point of Sale:
- ability to quickly add / remove items to an order
- search for items from order
- bar code reader integration (I scan the barcode --> details about product are displayed on screen)
- order totals
- ability to print invoice
- cash to return calculations (order cost X, customer pays Y, Y - X is what I need to return)
- after the order is closed this will substract quantity of available items in hikashop
Basically this could be seen as duplication (or enhancement) of existing Orders page but more user friendly / geared for POS action. Ideally this would all be doable from within single page (no tabs, no pop-ups).
- Page where I could select products and positive / negative quantity, upon confirmation this would then add / substract said quantity off hikashop products
- Same as above, but using CSV import
I have small budget I can contribute to the means above, I am also sure that similar functionality may be needed by other users of Hikashop which could then generate further revenue off the original development.
Anyway if you are interested / capable of doing the task, contact me via PM.