-- HikaShop version -- : 2.6.3
-- Joomla version -- : 3.6.0
Hi, in Sweden everybody has a unique personal number. With this personal number, you can look up where the person lives. I.e, what his/her adress is registered from swedish IRS or other database.
Using this, I would like someone to create a button on the checkout where the user can, after entering in his personal number, fetch his adress and have it automatically fill in his name and adress in the form.
I have attached image for further clarification on what I mean and want.
You already have a payment plugin with a similiar function. That is the Svea Webpay payment plugin. I would however like to simply install a button as demonstrated in my attached image. Or simply modify the Svea Webpay payment plugin to behave in similiar fashion instead.