-- HikaShop version -- : HikaShop Essential 3.2.1
-- Joomla version -- : 3.8.2
-- PHP version -- : 7.0.22
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : chrome
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : none
I have Essentials installed and got to the point of setting up my basic div grid layout for categories on home page, with sidebar showing login, cart, category menu.
My needs:
1. I'd like some styling done on colors, font emphasis , shadow, padding, etc on the overall look. I want the Category grid layout to look visually a little more "badge" like than the product layout. I was thinking like a light box shadowed effect, border with radius corners, light light grey background. . Basically just name of category and title, nothing else inside. 4 rows by 6 columns
2. On product listings box/grid, a more traditional look , a thicker border like 2px maybe grooved, and more rows/columns per page than categories show. White inner background, show details button, add to cart button, star rating, title and price. Products pages will use a grid layout with 5 rows x 5 columns. (also do a layout for table because I may switch back and forth on this)
3. Product page, I kinda like the default layout, but need prices shown in red, bold. add to cart button in red, wishlist green,
Under that I would like a slide row of recently viewed and of best sellers.
4. Clean up check out page, make it all more centered, see if can combine filling out shipping/billing , would like a sidebar feed of comments/ratings and recommended products. Also a module somewhere for user to sign up for RSS feed of store., and sites rss feed.
5. Account page, right now is those 4-5 little boxes. Maybe make a nice row of square buttons that show each category? I have tons of button suffixes included in my theme. THen on right sidebar of those pages show a blog feed, and best sellers carousel module
6. Home shop page, if you see how it is now, that is good start. Colors can be tweaked to blend with site more. Try to make category containers more "3d" looking or stand out? Then do a line below with padding and shadow
below that put a slide of best sellers, a line with padding/shadow, then a slide of testimonials in thumbnails with ratings.
as well as a link;/module to sign up for RSS feeds. and a banner or pop up tooltipped over the log in and RSS module, etc to tell customers to sign up to get latest. (also make an option to have random products shown in a 4 row grid that can be scrolled through,between the category grid an the two slides below.)
THe module containers on the sidebar I like the shadow and padding ,rounded corners. The category list , the font needs to be more defined and larger but not too big, will have a lot of categories and subcategories.
7. Take our Logo and put it on the home page of the store in the inset area, but not as tall as the inset on other pages. More like a banner.
8. And as I said, just go around and make sure all the content writing is easy to read (font weight, etc.) Titles, headers all uniform. And work with colors in the site as well as adding others in there that go along with scheme.
Like this done asap.