Hi Hikateam,
I hope you can help me because I'm about to pull my hair out on this problem.
On three particular products I have two custom fields; 1 textfield, en 1 dropdown field
Product 1 is custom dropdown field 1, product 2 is custom dropdown field 2, and product 3 is custom dropdown field 3
This message contains confidential information
Setting up affiliate was pretty simple and works like a charm.
The problem is that when I pay the affiliate all three of these custom field labels are showing in the payment email.
I have tried every email settings of this particular fields but either the custom fields are not displayed in the affiliate payment email but than also not in the order notification emails.
Strange thing is that it only happens with these three custom fields. The text field who is assigned to all three products also is not visible in the affiliate payment email while every email setting of that field is set to YES.
Also the fields are not only displaying when purchasing one of this three products but also when other products are ordered who have no custom fields at all.
I have already deleted all my email customizations but that didn't help either.
How can I get rid of this three custom fields but keep them in the customer and admin order creation email?
Also I would like very much to know where to place the code in the preload part of the email as shown in this topic:
I think it's strange to have the same email and subject as the customer "Confirmed" email. ("Your order is Confirmed") and "Thank you for your purchase".
Please help me because setting up affiliate cost me no more than five minutes and meanwhile I've been struggling with this email problem for hours.
Thanks in advance!