Hello there. I had a conflict with your jquery ui slider and other jQuery I've included, I solved it. That was a weird behaviour based on the position of the embedd code.
But for now I wanted to implement new feature - carousel in the Featured Products. And was shown this conflict:
I tried many combinations of the libraries arrangements (I got 2 of them, yours jquery-min.js and jquery-18.js which is used for the fixing the left sidebar after reaching a particular point).
I've tried many combinations, their embedding position, but only achieved one of them working - either Carousel or Waypoints. I guess something wrong with your jquery library...
Here's the variants I tried.
1) Removing the jquery18.min.js (in this one the Waypoints dont work)
2) Removing the jquery-1.8.3.js (the UI slider does not appear and the Waypoints dont work)
3) Removing the jquery.min.js (your file, in this case carousel dont work)
and also different combinations of embedding - still same result.
Maybe I'm missing something, could you please look at the code and say me what do I have to do to make both sidebar left and the Carousel working