First of all, I just want to say that I loved Hikashop and I am really impressive. It is really an awesome software for setting up online shopping store.
Yes, I already create a custom field of the table "simple dropdown" for the time. I just was wondering if it can be more professional. The time field is very important for me and without it can not complete the order. May be it is not important for some projects like "electronic, auto part, etc...", but in my case I am selling food online (sandwiches, plates, appetizer, etc...) and the time is very important for pickup or delivery. If someone want a lunch, he will need it in specific time and he has to select the time so I will know when he need it. I think there is "requested features" in submit form. I will submit a request to add professional time field like the date to be consider it in future
However, about the date. I checked it and it seems I can select today's date if the time is between 7:00am - 4:00pm. It is fine for me for now. But, If I want to play with this time and make the today's date between 8:00am - 8:00pm, how can I do that? After 4:00pm, today's date is still active, but when click on "process to checkout" it gives me "Please complete the Wanted Date field" I attached a screen shoot for the date setting and the message.
If I can process to checkout for today's order between 7:00am - 4:00pm, then I guess there is a setting that I can play with.
Thanks again,