I see from where you are comping. While it doesn't make sense to me to allow letters on telephone field (symbols Okay but letter!), I think you're right. There is no reason to make this field only digit since anyone can use invalid phone number such as (555-555-5555) which is totally incorrect phone number even if the letter is not allowed. So, in both way using letter or not people can type incorrect number. Yes, the ACYSMS valid phone numbers is the way to go with if the phone number is considered as a high priority. I just getting some people registering to the system without placing orders with incorrect information (specially the phone number). I just want to narrow this. However, I do not need to valid the phone number to see if the person is real or not for the payment cause people will pay first using PayPal and then we will process the order. Since ACYSMS is expense, I will consider it in future
Thanks for your help,