Hi, yes I know that we can do some changes in this views, but the problem it's because I don't want to change in the both sides, but only in Billing side.
I don't want that the customers change something in the billing side, and I want to let them to only select an option in the shipping side or add a new one, but don't delete or edit the addresses.
I know that I can edit here the select (address_select.php):
echo JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $values, 'hikashop_address_'.$this->type, 'class="hikashop_field_dropdown" onchange="window.localPage.switchAddr(this, \''.$this->type.'\');"', 'value', 'text', $current, 'hikashop_checkout_address_'.$this->type.'_selector'); ?>
But if I blocked for example this for ($this->type == "billing") after that, if i try to change the address in select of the shipping side, don't let me and show me an message saying that i need to add a new address.
But I only want to remove the select options from billing side, and (edit and delete) options from both sides.
Can you show me some examples, or explain more especific please where I can change without damage something?