Mohamed Thelji wrote: Hello Oliver,
1. To do what you want the solution will probably be to directly set the "Quantity input method" option to none through the configuration page of your "unpublished category" via "Hikashop->Products->Categories".
Hi Mohamed,
I've tried this and it makes no difference whatsoever. I noticed that the documentation also doesn't detail what this option does/is for/what impact it has on the shop. I've noticed that there is quite a lot in HikaShop that has very "light" documentation - would it possible to request more time is devoted to the help/example docs? I'm sure it would lessen the load on the support forum.
In addition, I've noticed another issue with required "item" custom fields.
In the product listing (products listed under a category) the "Add to cart" button allows the product to be put into the cart without the required custom fields, and the they also don't appear at checkout. So the required & validation checks are being skipped. I could really do with this working as (a) it's the whole point I bought HikaShop Business and (b) we can't release our product without it working.
[edit]I still believe the paragraph above is a bug, but I have worked around it by disabling the "Add to cart" button in the product listing module - why do there have to be SO many places that things can be/need to be changed? I appreciate this may be a Joomla thing...[/edit]
I hope you can help,