I'm sorry you didn't follow my post. Let me try to be clearer for you.
In a post above, there was a link given to some HS documentation -
- I followed this link.
That page had this following help:
"On the HikaShop side:
Open your phpmyadmin (a tool provided by your hosting company in order to administer your database) and select your database. There, increase the auto_increment value of the hikashop_order table by running a query like this:
ALTER TABLE jos_hikashop_order auto_increment = 100000;
That query will result in the order id of your orders to start at 100000. That way, it won't conflict with other e-commerce application using your paypal account with order ids starting at 0 like HikaShop does by default. Note that if you use another table prefix than jos_ you need to change it to your table prefix in the query. "
I did actually read this carefully and understand completely what it's saying to do. I know enough about PHPMyAdmin to enter SQL queries, and this was very easy as the query was already in the help. I copied this query, replacing jos_ with my database prefix name (as mentioned in my previous post). The query executed correctly, without errors, but, as previously mentioned, the query made no changes (SQL returned an empty set), and the problem remains.
Given that the documentation refers to tables starting with jos_ (from Joomla 1.5) I asked if the documentation was up to date and if the SQL query was still correct.
Sorry, I can't make it any clearer than that.