1. Is there a way to test the scenario of payment method without doing a real payment? actually we would like to test Thank you page for instance and I see that we need to to do real payment each time we would like to see that Thank you page.
2. I see that PayPal does not have a Thank you page, Please correct me if I am wrong?
2.1. If (2.) is yes, so in this case we need to create a "Thank you" page our-self that will be the return url from PayPal site after the payment is completed. after the return from PayPal, is there way to get the order_id of that payment?
3. I see that the scenario of the payment has many steps and that's fine, but each step load in a new page (whole reload of the page), is there way to do all those steps using AJAX in one page without reloading the whole page each time?