1. A button uses the input HTML tag. The modal system of Joomla only supports links.
So I don't recommend to use the displayButton function. Instead, just add CSS code so that your a tag looks like a button.
Normally, if you add the button and/or the hikashop_cart_button classes to the a tag it should display like a button:
<a class="modal hikashop_cart_button button" rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 760, y: 480}}" href="<?php echo hikashop_completeLink('product&task=show&product_id='.$this->row->product_id.'&name='.$this->row->alias.$url_itemid.$this->category_pathway,$this->row ,true);?>" > Choose Options</a>
2. Mmm, I guess that you'll have to edit the file "quantity" and add custom javascript to the displayButton call displaying the add to cart button so that you can close the popup after the add to cart or something like that.
You can use such js to close a popup:
based on which popup you want to close where.