Please note that we provide user support on this forum, not custom coding services, and giving you one line of code is useless if you don't know what to do with it. The hints I gave you in my previous message should be enough for a developer to do it on its own. I'll make an exception because it's quite easy. It will be something like that:
<select name="hikashop_payment">
<?php $done=false;
foreach($this->methods as $method){
$checked = '';
if(($this->payment_method==$method->payment_type && $this->payment_id==$method->payment_id)|| ($auto_select_default && empty($this->payment_id)&&!$done)){
$checked = 'checked="checked"';
$done = true;
echo '<option value="'.$method->payment_type.'_'.$method->payment_id.'" '.$checked.'>'.$method->payment_name.'</option>';
} ?>