nicolas wrote: As I said, it's probably coming from the file "cart" of the view "checkout".
The original file is located in components/com_hikashop/views/checkout/tmpl/cart.php but if the view file has been overridden, then it's coming from the file templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/html/com_hikashop/checkout/cart.php
I don't have any overrides for that file and checked the original but couldn't find anything out of place. The only overrides I have are for the category listing_div & lisitng_title, and product listing_div.
I've also uploaded fresh copies of the core HikaShop files to the server over the top of the existing files to ensure that they are all the default core files and it still hasn't changed a thing. I've checked the database, the modules, everything and I can't find where this code is coming from.