Do you have a view override for the view "checkout / end" ?
Here the current code (which haven't changed between HikaShop 2.6.4 and HikaShop 3.0.0).
if(empty($this->html)) {
$user = JFactory::getUser();
if(!$user->guest) {
$url = hikashop_completeLink('order&task=show&cid='.$this->order->order_id);
echo '<br/>'.JText::sprintf('YOU_CAN_NOW_ACCESS_YOUR_ORDER_HERE',$url);
} else {
echo $this->html;
The link to the order is currently not display to guest users because a guest did not have the possibility to see the order (which have changed recently thanks to the "order token").
So, I can't explain why guest users do not see the "thank you for your purchase" but I can explain why they don't have the link to the order.
I will update HikaShop 3.0 in order to integrate the support of the "order token" in the "checkout / end" view.
Thank you for your feedback.