If you want to have different spinner you will have to replace spinner.gif and spinner_02.gif They are located here:
/media/com_hikashop/images/spinner.gif <- this is small spinner icon
/media/com_hikashop/images/spinner_02.gif <- this is default size icon
You can use such online tool to generate your icon.
You will lose this changes after hikashop update.
Proper way would be add spinner icons somewhere to your template and use such css:
div.hikashop_checkout_loading div.hikashop_checkout_loading_spinner {
background:url('ICON_LOCATION_FOLDER/spinner_02.gif') no-repeat center !important;
div.hikashop_checkout_loading div.hikashop_checkout_loading_spinner.small_spinner {
background:url(''ICON_LOCATION_FOLDER/spinner.gif') no-repeat center !important;
And another way would be to modify your block views and change div classes for spinner....
Hope that helps.