You can do var_dump on checkout helper to see all string you are looking for.
var_dump($cart = $this->checkoutHelper->getCart());
1 and 4 is already loaded in default show_block_status view. Just check the code and you will see this code below:
if(!empty($cart->shipping)) {
$names = array();
foreach($cart->shipping as $shipping) {
$names[] = $shipping->shipping_name;
$array[] = JText::sprintf('HIKASHOP_SHIPPING_METHOD_CHOSEN', '<span class="label label-info">'.implode('</span> <span class="label label-info">', $names).'</span>');
2. Not sure how to get full address but as example to get address street, city and post code:
$address = $cart->shipping_address->address_street.'<br>'.$cart->shipping_address->address_city.'<br>'.$cart->shipping_address->address_post_code;
echo $address;
3. To get phone:
$phone = $cart->shipping_address->address_telephone;
echo $phone;
5. To get cost (this should be added after code for 1 and 4):
echo $shipping->shipping_price_with_tax;
I just did quick view in our file and copy paste code here as we done some similar modifications to that file.
Hope that helps.
You should wait for hika devs answer. They will give you more help then me