There are several ways to go about it based on what you want to do.
- You could modify the administrator/components/com_hikashop/helpers/joomla30.php file where the HTML is generated.
- You might be able to do what you want with pure CSS
- You could simply modify the plugins/hikashop/userpoints/userpoints_checkout.php file to add a str_replace to add your extra HTML to the HTML of the input.
-You could add your javascript after the line
window.checkout.refreshUserpoints(<?php echo (int)$this->step; ?>, <?php echo (int)$this->module_position; ?>);
in that plugins/hikashop/userpoints/userpoints_checkout.php file so that it would run after each refresh.
Note that the file administrator/components/com_hikashop/extensions/plg_hikashop_userpoints/userpoints_checkout.php is not used by HikaShop. It's where the plugins/modules files are stored before the installation of these modules/plugins in their destination folders in /modules/ or /plugins/.