Link to shop:
(must have an account and be logged in to view).
Our shop is being used as a Conference registration system. Individuals should only be able to register once in each registration period. A quarterly limit was imposed to handle this, with a limit type of "Quantity," applied to the Conference Registration product category (which includes the three registration types--Early, Regular, and Late). Per the Limits tutorial (and what worked in the previous version of HikaShop we were using, which was 2.6.3), if we set the Period to Quarterly, Type to Quantity, Quantity to One, Category to the appropriate product Category, and order status to "Created," "Confirmed," and "Shipped," that was sufficient to prevent duplicate registrations.
After upgrading to 3.2.1, the limit stopped functioning. When I looked at the query to get past orders in administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/limit.php, I saw that it was including currency as part of the WHERE clause. Reexamining the Limit settings, I saw that the Currency was set to EUR, even though our shop uses USD. Switching the currency to USD allowed the query to see past orders and apply the limit correctly.
A fix would either be to modify limit.php to not use currency in the WHERE clause unless the limit type is "Price" or update the directions on the Limits Tutorial to state that the currency is needed even if the Limit Type isn't "Price."
The current (functioning) limit settings are attached. The only difference with the non-functioning settings is the Currency Type.