If you've already done that, then on the checkout, you should get that error message:
"The cart items combined weight is too small for all the possible shipping methods"
And that error message can be customized with a translation override:
And in your translation override, you can add a %s parameter which will automatically be filled with weight missing to reach the limit after which shipping methods will display.
So you could for example customize the message to:
ITEMS_WEIGHT_TOO_SMALL_FOR_SHIPPING_METHODS="The cart items combined weight is too small for all the possible shipping methods. You need %s kg more to be able to place your order."
Now if you want to add such message directly in the cart module. Then, you'll have to edit the file "cart" of the view "product" via the menu Display>Views and add custom PHP code in it to check on the total weight and generate the message yourself.