So my first question is how do I add a message explaining that the product can not be purchased out of the USA and Canada?
The solution will either be to :
- Add a message through your product description saying that this product can only be purchased for USA or Canadian shipping addresses.
- Make sure that no shipping method will be available if the shipping address isn't valid so that it can display the "No shipping method found" error message
Then I tried to make a purchase of the blocked product and a non-blocked product. It proceeded to the paypal page, but it was for the total amount, including the blocked product.
Then I deleted the non-blocked product and tried again with just the blocked product, and this time it went through to the paypal page.
If it still proceed to the PayPal page, then it means that :
- Your products or their variants don't have any weight/dimensions which means that no shipping will be required for these products
- You don't have any "Shipping" step through your checkout workflow that you can configure via "Hikashop->System->Configuration->Checkout"
Kind regards,
Mohamed Thelji.