The issue on your checkout is that when you have a form on the form, there is a javascript error with the validate.js system of Joomla:
Because of that, the javascript we added to get the source/campaign from GA is not run and thus the information is missing in the order params when the order is created.
Change the code:
$viewObj->extra_data['analytics_ga'] = '
<input type="hidden" id="hikashop_checkout_analytics_field_ga" name="checkout[analytics][ga]" value=""/>
$value = '';
$formData = hikaInput::get()->get('checkout', array(), 'array');
if(!empty($formData) && !empty($formData['analytics']) && !empty($formData['analytics']['ga']))
$value = $viewObj->escape($formData['analytics']['ga']);
$viewObj->extra_data['analytics_ga'] = '
<input type="hidden" id="hikashop_checkout_analytics_field_ga" name="checkout[analytics][ga]" value="'.$value.'"/>
in the file plugins/system/hikashopanalytics/hikashopanalytics.php and that will allow the system to retain the data from previous pages where there is no javascript error.
Doing that, you should then have the information stored in order_params in the order and it should then show properly in GA.
Let us know how it goes.