Hi Nicolas,
Thank-you for your response. I think the probleme is at my level, after checking the orders test, I can't see my additonal fees and order_full_price is correct without them. maybe I must adding a trigger function onBeforeOrderCreate(&$order, &$do) to add my additinal fees ?
my code is largely inspired from userpoint plugin :
function onAfterCheckoutStep($controllerName, &$go_back, $original_go_back, &$controller) {
if($controllerName != 'plg.shop.donation')
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$amount = $_REQUEST['donation'];
$app->setUserState(HIKASHOP_COMPONENT.'.donation_value', $amount);
$checkoutHelper = hikashopCheckoutHelper::get();
$cart = $checkoutHelper->getCart();
$cart_id = (int)$cart->cart_id;
$cart = $checkoutHelper->getCart();
$cart_id = (int)$cart->cart_id;
$cartClass = hikashop_get('class.cart');
$cartClass->get('reset_cache', $cart_id);
$cart = $checkoutHelper->getCart(true);
return true;
Thank you for clarifications.