This indicates that you have something contacting a server when the order is being created, and waiting for an answer which doesn't come and after the timeout, it stops waiting for the answer and continue the process.
It could be:
- the payment plugin itself (which one are you using ? How did you configure it ? Could you provide a screenshot ?)
- the shipping plugin of the shipping method selected if any (which one are you using ? How did you configure it ? Could you provide a screenshot ?)
- the connection with the email server to send the emails (can you confirm that you can send a test email via the Joomla email configuration ? And did you add any attachment to your HikaShop emails ? it could slow down the sending of the emails if it needs to send the attachment to the email server and the attachment is a big file)
- any other plugin that need to connect to an external server after the creation of an order (a tax plugin like taxcloud, a accounting software, etc). Did you activate any plugin or other extension linked with HikaShop ?