Thanks for your answer
1) OK, I see the reason.
But still I can try to add the fields under each product name.
So after the code
if ($config->get('show_code')) {
echo '<br/>'.$product->order_product_code;
} ?>
in /plugins/hikashop/attachinvoice/attachinvoice/invoice.php:224
I added
$itemFields = $fieldsClass->getFields($item_type,$product,'product');
foreach($itemFields as $field){
echo $namekey = $field->field_namekey;
echo $fieldsClass->show($field,$product->$namekey);
echo '<br/>';
It displays correct 3 custom field names, but not values. What am I doing wrong?
2) Thanks, that clarifies a bit.
3) Please try with "Prezes Zarządu" (CEO). It displays like "Prezes Zarz?du"