We do have some code in the Sagepay plugin to limit the data sent to Sagepay.
However, I looked at the code and it uses a limit of 100 characters, not 50. So I can only think that Sagepay might have changed that limit at some point ?
You can open the file plugins/hikashoppayment/sagepay/sagepay.php via FTP and you'll find the code:
$address1 = ''; $address2 = '';
$address1 = @$order->cart->billing_address->address_street;
if( strlen($address1) > 100 ) {
$address2 = substr($address1, 100, 100);
$address1 = substr($address1, 0, 100);
$shipping_address = !empty($order->cart->shipping_address->address_firstname) ? $order->cart->shipping_address : $order->cart->billing_address;
$ship_address1 = ''; $ship_address2 = '';
$ship_address1 = @$shipping_address->address_street;
if( empty($ship_address1) ) { $ship_address1 = $address1; }
if( strlen($ship_address1) > 100 ) {
$ship_address2 = substr($ship_address1, 100, 100);
$ship_address1 = substr($ship_address1, 0, 100);
There, You can see several times 100 mentioned. If you replace 100 by 50 everywhere there, it will restrict the address to 50 characters instead of 100.
Please let us know how it goes so that we can include the changes on our end too.