The after_end URL you have is the URL payment plugins usually provide to the payment gateway for the customer to come back to the website. When HikaShop process that URL it does several things:
- it clears the cart
- it checks that the payment method selected for the order has a "return_url" parameter (this is usually specified in the "pluginConfig" attribute of the class of the plugin so the merchant can enter a "Return URL" when configuring the payment method in HikaShop). If it has that parameter, HikaShop will redirect to that return URL.
- If the user was not redirected because the payment plugin didn't have a return_url set, HikaShop displays the default thank you page of HikaShop, like you have on that link.
So there are several ways to tackle this:
- the payment plugin could implement the return_url parameter and you would just include the URL of the Joomla article in that setting, like for any other payment plugin
- the payment plugin could implement the onHikashopBeforeDisplayView or onHikashopAfterDisplayView and check the ctrl parameter of the URL to then redirect to wherever he wants
- you could make your own view override of the after_end view file via the menu Display>Views and manually add the redirect to the URL you want there. It's quite easy as it's just one line:
<?php JFactory::getApplication()->redirect('http://mywebsite.com/my/thank/you/page'); ?>
I would recommend method one or two, but both need to be implemented in the payment plugin, and thus by Roland, the developer.