Thank you for the access. I'm able to reproduce the issue on your website.
That's great. I looked at the code on our end for that "The product %s is not available" error message, and I think it comes from the function checkQuantities in class.cart which verifies that the product can be added to the cart before adding it.
I think it has something to do with the user group check done with the code
if(empty($msg) && !in_array($product['data']->parent_product_access, array('', 'all')) && hikashop_level(2)) {
if(!empty($cart->user_id)) {
$userClass = hikashop_get('class.user');
$user_groups = $userClass->getGroups( (int)$cart->user_id );
$parent_product_groups = explode(',', $product['data']->parent_product_access);
$intersect = array_intersect($user_groups, $parent_product_groups);
$msg = JText::sprintf('PRODUCT_NOT_AVAILABLE', $id);
Would it be possible to also have a FTP access in order to add some debugging around that code in order to check the situation deeper ?