Good start, though I haven't found where the RegEx test is being performed yet.
In the meantime, It appears that I've successfully blocked the ".ru" registrants by blocking the email domain using Akeeba Admin Tools Pro's email blocking. Joomla's tools to do the same weren't working with Hikashop, but Akeeba's firewall hardening seems to do that trick.
There's still a lot of fake registrants using valid but obviously stolen email addresses, but these are identifiable because they are including a URL within the submitted register_name field. I am attempting to add a small onChange script to the Name field that checks to see if the Name value includes "http" or ".ru". If it finds it, it simply wipes the value of the field immediately. Hopefully this will be enough to discourage a keystroke driven script. If not, I'll have to keep working on finding and tightening the data validation routines.
I do appreciate your help.