Unfortunately, we are back to my original problem. Here is the scenario: The Guest user is directed by our promotional media to come to our website for a free product download. Being a Guest and being it is their first encounter with us, this Guest is not prone to want to offer up what they may consider as sensitive data (their billing address). They just want the free gift they were promised.
If they later decide they want to buy a product that has to be shipped, HikaShop, of course, then needs their address, but they, like many of us who live in rural areas, have a shipping address that is different from their billing address, and now HikaShop has no way to collect the product price and deliver the product. This is a real problem in that there is no conditional branching in the WorkFlow, and/or there is no way to set up a second WorkFlow for the Guest who only wants the free gift. Registered users will want to enter their data once billing and shipping or indicate the addresses are the same for both.
I spent years using and offering our products through Zencart, which handles all of these options easily and is offered free from its author, but it does not combine single seamless registration with Joomla (it is not a Joomla Extension). We now face the same situation in effect with HikaShop because the Guest is one WorkFlow and the Registered User is another or at least a conditional branch. If we were to point our advertising media to a free product page, we would lose touch with our customers unless we write code to collect their data outside of HikaShop, and once again, the user experience would suffer.
How can we accomplish this basic task using your product? Most successful stores use free gifts to attract new patrons who we hope will become loyal, long-term customers.
Please advise,