This is the massage we get when we try to open an article with the other language:
* Joom!Fish - Multi Lingual extention and translation manager for Joomla!
* Copyright (C) 2003 - 2013, Think Network GmbH, Konstanz
* All rights reserved. The Joom!Fish project is a set of extentions for
* the content management system Joomla!. It enables Joomla!
* to manage multi lingual sites especially in all dynamic information
* which are stored in the database.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,USA.
* The "GNU General Public License" (GPL) is available at
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* @package joomfish
* @subpackage Models
JLoader::register('jfContent', JOOMFISH_ADMINPATH . DS . 'tables' . DS . 'JFContent.php');
* Representation of one content with his translation.
* The object includes information from the original object and
* the refering translation. Based on that information it is
* able to handle all necessary interactions with the tranlsation.
* Each instance of this object represents only one translation in
* on specified language, but it handles all the fields within the
* ContentElement.
* @package joomfish
* @subpackage administrator
* @copyright 2003 - 2013, Think Network GmbH, Konstanz
* @license GNU General Public License
* @version $Revision: 1543 $
* @author Alex Kempkens
class TranslationObject implements iJFTranslatable
/** @var contentElement Reference to the ContentElement definition of the instance */
protected $contentElement;
/** @var id ID of the based content */
public $id;
/** @var translation_id translation id value */
public $translation_id = 0;
/** @var reference_id id of item being translated value */
public $reference_id = 0;
/** @var checked_out User who checked out this content if any */
public $checked_out;
/** @var title Title of the object; used from the field configured as titletext */
public $title;
/** @var titleTranslation the actual translation of the title */
public $titleTranslation;
/** @var language_id language for the translation */
public $language_id;
/** @var language Language name of the content */
public $language;
/** @var lastchanged Date when the translation was last modified */
public $lastchanged;
/** @var modified_date Date of the last modification of the content - if existing */
public $modified_date;
/** @var state State of the translation
* -1 := for at least one field of the content the translation is missing
* 0 := the translation exists but the original content was changed
* 1 := the translation is valid
public $state = -1;
/** @var int Number of changed fields */
protected $_numChangedFields = 0;
/** @var int Number of new fields, with an original other than NULL */
protected $_numNewAndNotNullFields = 0;
/** @var int Number for fields unchanged */
protected $_numUnchangedFields = 0;
* Number of unstranslated fields
protected $_untraslatedFields = 0;
/** published Flag if the translation is published or not */
public $published = false;
/** Standard constructor
* @param languageID ID of the associated language
* @param elementTable Reference to the ContentElementTable object
public function __construct($languageID, & $contentElement, $id=-1)
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
if ($id > 0)
$this->id = $id;
$this->language_id = $languageID;
$jfManager = JoomFishManager::getInstance();
$lang = $jfManager->getLanguageByID($languageID);
$this->language = $lang->name;
$this->contentElement = $contentElement;
/** Loads the information based on a certain content ID
public function loadFromContentID($id=null)
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
if ($id != null && isset($this->contentElement) && $this->contentElement !== false)
$db->setQuery($this->contentElement->createContentSQL($this->language_id, $id));
$row = null;
$x = (string) $db->getQuery();
$row = $db->loadObject("stdClass", false);
$this->id = $id;
/** Reads the information from the values of the form
* The content element will be loaded first and then the values of the override
* what is actually in the element
* @param array The values which should be bound to the object
* @param string The field prefix
* @param string An optional field
* @param boolean try to bind the values to the object
* @param boolean store original values too
public function bind($formArray, $prefix="", $suffix="", $tryBind=true, $storeOriginalText=false)
$user = JFactory::getUser();
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
if ($tryBind)
$this->_jfBindArrayToObject($formArray, $this);
if ($this->published == "")
$this->published = 0;
// Go thru all the fields of the element and try to copy the content values
$elementTable = $this->contentElement->getTable();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elementTable->Fields); $i++)
$field = $elementTable->Fields[$i];
$fieldName = $field->Name;
if (isset($formArray[$prefix . "refField_" . $fieldName . $suffix]))
// Handle magic quotes compatability
// NB this is not done by getVar
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc() && $field->Type !== 'htmltext')
//$formArray[$prefix . "refField_" . $fieldName . $suffix] = JRequest::_stripSlashesRecursive($formArray[$prefix . "refField_" . $fieldName . $suffix]);
//$formArray[$prefix . "origText_" . $fieldName . $suffix] = JRequest::_stripSlashesRecursive($formArray[$prefix . "origText_" . $fieldName . $suffix]);
$formArray[$prefix . "refField_" . $fieldName . $suffix] = JRequest::getVar($prefix . "refField_" . $fieldName . $suffix, '', 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
$formArray[$prefix . "origText_" . $fieldName . $suffix] = JRequest::getVar($prefix . "origText_" . $fieldName . $suffix, '', 'post', 'string', JREQUEST_ALLOWRAW);
$translationValue = $formArray[$prefix . "refField_" . $fieldName . $suffix];
$fieldContent = new jfContent($db);
// code cleaner for xhtml transitional compliance
if ($field->Type == 'titletext' || $field->Type == 'text')
//$translationValue = JFilterOutput::ampReplace( $translationValue );
if ($field->Type == 'htmltext')
$translationValue = str_replace('<br>', '<br />', $translationValue);
// remove <br /> take being automatically added to empty fulltext
$length = strlen($translationValue) < 9;
$search = strstr($translationValue, '<br />');
if ($length && $search)
$translationValue = NULL;
if ($field->posthandler != "")
if (method_exists($this, $field->posthandler))
$handler = $field->posthandler;
$this->$handler($translationValue, $elementTable->Fields, $formArray, $prefix, $suffix, $storeOriginalText);
$originalValue = $formArray[$prefix . "origValue_" . $fieldName . $suffix];
$originalText = ($storeOriginalText) ? $formArray[$prefix . "origText_" . $fieldName . $suffix] : "";
$fieldContent->id = $formArray[$prefix . "id_" . $fieldName . $suffix];
$fieldContent->reference_id = (intval($formArray[$prefix . "reference_id" . $suffix]) > 0) ? intval($formArray[$prefix . "reference_id" . $suffix]) : $this->id;
$fieldContent->language_id = $this->language_id;
$fieldContent->reference_table = $db->getEscaped($elementTable->Name);
$fieldContent->reference_field = $db->getEscaped($fieldName);
$fieldContent->value = $translationValue;
// original value will be already md5 encoded - based on that any encoding isn't needed!
$fieldContent->original_value = $originalValue;
$fieldContent->original_text = !is_null($originalText) ? $originalText : "";
$datenow = JFactory::getDate();
$fieldContent->modified = $datenow->toMySQL();
$fieldContent->modified_by = $user->id;
$fieldContent->published = $this->published;
$field->translationContent = $fieldContent;
else if ($field->Type == "params" && isset($formArray["jform"][$field->Name]))
// unset all original parameters before they are saved
// @todo implement full JForm parameters filtering
foreach ($formArray["jform"][$field->Name] AS $checkname=>$checkfield) {
if (strstr($checkname, '_orig')) {
unset ($formArray["jform"][$field->Name][$checkname]);
$translationValue = $formArray["jform"][$field->Name];
if ($field->posthandler != "")
if (method_exists($this, $field->posthandler))
$handler = $field->posthandler;
$this->$handler($translationValue, $elementTable->Fields, $formArray, $prefix, $suffix, $storeOriginalText);
$registry = new JRegistry();
$translationValue = $registry->toString();
$fieldContent = new jfContent($db);
$fieldContent->id = $formArray[$prefix . "id_" . $fieldName . $suffix];
$fieldContent->reference_id = (intval($formArray[$prefix . "reference_id" . $suffix]) > 0) ? intval($formArray[$prefix . "reference_id" . $suffix]) : $this->id;
$fieldContent->language_id = $this->language_id;
$fieldContent->reference_table = $db->getEscaped($elementTable->Name);
$fieldContent->reference_field = $db->getEscaped($fieldName);
$fieldContent->value = $translationValue;
$fieldContent->original_value = "";
$fieldContent->original_text = "";
$datenow = JFactory::getDate();
$fieldContent->modified = $datenow->toMySQL();
$fieldContent->modified_by = $user->id;
$fieldContent->published = $this->published;
$field->translationContent = $fieldContent;
// TODO must also save 'request' object for Menu items - this should be moved to a separate 'post translation save' handler
// Joomla STILL treats this as a special case in menu items see administrator/omponnets/com_menus/controllers/item.php line 167
// its not even in the model or table class!
/** Reads the information out of an existing JTable object into the translationObject.
* @param object instance of an mosDBTable object
public function updateMLContent(&$dbObject,$language)
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
if ($dbObject === null)
if ($this->published == "")
$this->published = 0;
// retriev the original untranslated object for references
// this MUST be copied by value and not by reference!
$origObject = clone($dbObject);
$key = $dbObject->get('_tbl_key');
$db->setQuery("SELECT * FROM " . $dbObject->get('_tbl') . " WHERE " . $key . "='" . $dbObject->$key . "'");
$origObject = $db->loadObject('stdClass', false);
if ($this->contentElement->getTarget() == "native"){
// We must reset the primary key and language fields for new translations
// If we don't then joomla validity checks on aliases not being unique will fail etc.
$isnew = false;
if (isset($origObject->language) && $origObject->language!=$language){
$origObject->language = $language;
$isnew = true;
// We must reset the primary key and language fields for new translations
if ($isnew && isset($dbObject->$key)){
$dbObject->$key = 0;
$this->copyContentToTranslation($dbObject, $origObject);
* This method copies a currect database object into the translations
* The original object might be the same kind of object and it is not required that
* both objects are of the type mosDBTable!
* @param object $dbObject new values for the translation
* @param object $origObject original values based on the db for reference
public function copyContentToTranslation(&$dbObject, $origObject)
$user = JFactory::getUser();
// Go thru all the fields of the element and try to copy the content values
$elementTable = $this->contentElement->getTable();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elementTable->Fields); $i++)
$field = $elementTable->Fields[$i];
$fieldName = $field->Name;
if (isset($dbObject->$fieldName) && $field->Translate)
$translationValue = $dbObject->$fieldName;
$fieldContent = $field->translationContent;
$fieldContent->value = $translationValue;
$dbObject->$fieldName = $origObject->$fieldName;
$fieldContent->original_value = md5($origObject->$fieldName);
// ToDo: Add handling of original text!
$datenow = & JFactory::getDate();
$fieldContent->modified = $datenow->toMySQL();
$fieldContent->modified_by = $user->id;
// make sure reference_id is set if not already set
if ((!isset($fieldContent->reference_id) || is_null($fieldContent->reference_id) || $fieldContent->reference_id==0) && (isset($origObject->id) && $origObject->id>0)){
$fieldContent->reference_id = $origObject->id;
/** Reads some of the information from the overview row
public function readFromRow($row)
$this->id = $row->id;
$this->translation_id = $row->jfc_id;
$this->title = $row->title;
$this->titleTranslation = $row->titleTranslation;
if (!isset($this->language_id) || $this->language_id == -1)
$this->language_id = $row->language_id;
$this->language = $row->language;
$this->lastchanged = $row->lastchanged;
$this->published = $row->published;
if (isset($row->modified_date))
$this->modified_date = $row->modified_date;
if (isset($row->checked_out))
$this->checked_out = $row->checked_out;
// Go thru all the fields of the element and try to copy the content values
$elementTable = $this->contentElement->getTable();
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$fieldContent = new jfContent($db);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elementTable->Fields); $i++)
$field = $elementTable->Fields[$i];
$fieldName = $field->Name;
if (isset($row->$fieldName))
$field->originalValue = $row->$fieldName;
if ($field->prehandleroriginal != "")
if (method_exists($this, $field->prehandleroriginal))
$handler = $field->prehandleroriginal;
$field->originalValue = $this->$handler($row);
/** Reads all translation information from the database
private function _loadContent($row = false)
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$elementTable = $this->getTable();
if ($this->contentElement->getTarget() == "joomfish")
$sql = "select * "
. "\n from #__jf_content"
. "\n where reference_id='" . $this->id . "'"
. "\n and reference_table='" . $elementTable->Name . "'";
if (isset($this->language_id) && $this->language_id != "")
$sql .= "\n and language_id=" . $this->language_id;
//echo "load sql=>$sql<<br />";
$rows = $db->loadObjectList('', 'stdClass', false);
if ($db->getErrorNum() != 0)
JError::raiseWarning(400, JTEXT::_('No valid table information: ') . $db->getErrorMsg());
$translationFields = null;
if (count($rows) > 0)
foreach ($rows as $trow)
$fieldContent = new jfContent($db);
if (!$fieldContent->bind($trow))
JError::raiseWarning(200, JText::_('Problems binding object to fields: ' . $fieldContent->getError()));
$translationFields[$fieldContent->reference_field] = $fieldContent;
// Check fields and their state
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elementTable->Fields); $i++)
$field = $elementTable->Fields[$i];
if ($field->prehandlertranslation != "")
if (method_exists($this, $field->prehandlertranslation))
$handler = $field->prehandlertranslation;
$this->$handler($field, $translationFields);
if (isset($translationFields[$field->Name]))
$fieldContent = $translationFields[$field->Name];
$fieldContent = null;
if ($field->Translate)
if (isset($fieldContent))
$field->changed = (md5($field->originalValue) != $fieldContent->original_value);
if ($field->changed)
$fieldContent = new jfContent($db);
$fieldContent->reference_id = $this->id;
$fieldContent->reference_table = $elementTable->Name;
$fieldContent->reference_field = $field->Name;
$fieldContent->language_id = $this->language_id;
$fieldContent->original_value = $field->originalValue;
$field->changed = false;
if ($field->originalValue != '')
$field->translationContent = $fieldContent;
// Checking the record state based on the fields. If one field is changed the record is modifed
if ($this->_numChangedFields == 0 && $this->_numNewAndNotNullFields == 0)
$this->state = 1;
elseif ($this->_numChangedFields == 0 && $this->_numNewAndNotNullFields > 0 && $this->_numUnchangedFields == 0)
$this->state = -1;
$this->state = 0;
if (isset($row))
$noprehandlerrow = clone $row;
// Check fields and their state
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elementTable->Fields); $i++)
$field = $elementTable->Fields[$i];
if ($field->prehandlertranslation != "")
if (method_exists($this, $field->prehandlertranslation))
$handler = $field->prehandlertranslation;
$this->$handler($field, $row);
$fieldname = $field->Name;
$transfieldname = "jfc_" . $field->Name;
$fieldContent = null;
if (isset($row->$fieldname))
$fieldContent = new jfContent($db);
// id for translation
$fieldContent->id = intval($row->jfc_id);
$fieldContent->language_id = $this->language_id;
$fieldContent->reference_id = $row->id;
$fieldContent->reference_table = $elementTable->Name;
$fieldContent->reference_field = $fieldname;
if (isset($row->$transfieldname))
$fieldContent->value = $row->$transfieldname;
if (!empty($row->$fieldname) && empty($row->$transfieldname) && empty($noprehandlerrow->$transfieldname)) {
$this->_untraslatedFields ++;
} else {
$this->_untraslatedFields ++;
$fieldContent->original_value = $row->$fieldname;
$fieldContent->original_text = $row->$fieldname;
// TODO check published is a valid field !
$fieldContent->published = $row->published;
$fieldContent = null;
$field->translationContent = $fieldContent;
$modifiedcompare = (isset($row->modified) && isset($row->jfc_modified) && ($row->modified > $row->jfc_modified)) ? 1 : 0;
* Checking the record state based on existance of translated entry in database,
* the fields translations (are all translatable fields not empty?)
* and modified dates. If original modified date is later than transaltion modified date, original was modified after translation.
if (!empty($row->jfc_id) && $this->_untraslatedFields == 0 && $modifiedcompare == 0)
$this->state = 1;
elseif (empty($row->jfc_id))
$this->state = -1;
$this->state = 0;
/** Returns the content element fields which are text and can be translated
* @param boolean onle translateable fields?
* @return array of fieldnames
public function getTextFields($translation = true)
$elementTable = $this->contentElement->getTable();
$textFields = null;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elementTable->Fields); $i++)
$field = $elementTable->Fields[$i];
$fieldType = $field->Type;
if ($field->Translate == $translation && ($fieldType == "htmltext" || $fieldType == "text"))
$textFields[] = $field->Name;
return $textFields;
* Returns the field type of a field
* @param string $fieldname
public function getFieldType($fieldname)
$elementTable = $this->contentElement->getTable();
$textFields = null;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elementTable->Fields); $i++)
if ($elementTable->Fields[$i]->Name == $fieldname)
return $elementTable->Fields[$i]->Type;
return "text";
/** Sets all fields of this content object to a certain published state
public function setPublished($published)
if ($this->contentElement->getTarget() == "native")
$this->published = $published;
$elementTable = $this->contentElement->getTable();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elementTable->Fields); $i++)
$field = $elementTable->Fields[$i];
$fieldContent = $field->translationContent;
$fieldContent->published = $published;
/** Updates the reference id of all included fields. This
* Happens e.g when the reference object was created new
* @param referenceID new reference id
public function updateReferenceID($referenceID)
if (intval($referenceID) <= 0)
$elementTable = $this->contentElement->getTable();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elementTable->Fields); $i++)
$field = $elementTable->Fields[$i];
$fieldContent = $field->translationContent;
$fieldContent->reference_id = $referenceID;
* Stores all fields of the content element
public function store()
$elementTable = $this->contentElement->getTable();
// different route based on target for saving data
if ($this->contentElement->getTarget() == "native")
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$tableclass = $this->contentElement->getTableClass();
if ($tableclass)
// find the reference id and translation id
$reference_id = false;
$translation_id = false;
$language_id = false;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elementTable->Fields); $i++)
$field = $elementTable->Fields[$i];
$fieldContent = $field->translationContent;
if ($field->Translate)
// must have the original id
if (isset($fieldContent->reference_id) && intval($fieldContent->reference_id) > 0)
//// NEW SYSTEM - Split the store method into 2 methods store and store Translation or override the bind method
$reference_id = intval($fieldContent->reference_id);
$translation_id = $this->translation_id;
$this->reference_id = $reference_id;
$language_id = intval($fieldContent->language_id);
$jfm = JoomFishManager::getInstance();
$languages = $jfm->getLanguagesIndexedById();
$language_id = $languages[$language_id]->code;
if (!$reference_id)
return false;
// Now do the translation
if (intval($translation_id) > 0)
// load the translation and amend
$table = JTable::getInstance($tableclass);
$isNew = false;
// load the original and amend
$table = JTable::getInstance($tableclass);
$key = $table->getKeyName();
$table->$key = 0;
if (is_callable(array($table, "setLocation")))
//$table->setLocation($table->parent_id, 'last-child');
$table->setLocation(intval($reference_id), 'after');
$isNew = true;
$table->language = $language_id;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elementTable->Fields); $i++)
$field = $elementTable->Fields[$i];
if ($field->Translate && isset($field->translationContent))
$fieldContent = $field->translationContent;
$fieldname = $field->Name;
$table->$fieldname = $fieldContent->value;
// Is the translation published
$publishfield = $this->contentElement->getPublishedField();
if (isset($table->$publishfield))
$table->$publishfield = $this->published;
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$language= JFactory::getLanguage(); //get the current language
$language->load( 'com_content');
// Check the data.
if (!$table->check())
$app->enqueueMessage($table->getError(), 'error');
return false;
// Store the data.
if (!$table->store())
$app->enqueueMessage($table->getError(), 'error');
return false;
$this->id = $table->id;
// Save the translation map
$this->generateTranslationMap($table, $isNew, $this->contentElement->getTableName(), $elementTable);
if ($tableclass == "Menu")
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->trigger("onMenuAfterSave", array("com_menu,menu", &$table, $isNew, $elementTable));
else if ($tableclass == "Module")
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->trigger("onModuleAfterSave", array("com_modules,module", &$table, $isNew, $elementTable));
// contient has its own plugin!
else if ($tableclass == "Content")
$dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance();
$dispatcher->trigger("onContentAfterJFSave", array("com_content.content", &$table, $isNew, $elementTable));
return true;
return false;
$success = true;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elementTable->Fields); $i++)
$field = $elementTable->Fields[$i];
$fieldContent = $field->translationContent;
if ($field->Translate)
if (isset($fieldContent->reference_id))
if (isset($fieldContent->value) && $fieldContent->value != '')
$success = $success && $fieldContent->store(true);
// special case to handle readmore in original when there is none in the translation
else if (isset($fieldContent->value) && $fieldContent->reference_table == "content" && $fieldContent->reference_field == "fulltext")
$success = $success && $fieldContent->store(true);
$success = $success && $fieldContent->delete();
return $success;
/** Checkouts all fields of this content element
public function checkout($who, $oid=null)
$elementTable = $this->contentElement->getTable();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elementTable->Fields); $i++)
$field = $elementTable->Fields[$i];
$fieldContent = $field->translationContent;
if ($field->Translate)
if (isset($fieldContent->reference_id))
$fieldContent->checkout($who, $oid);
JError::raiseWarning(200, JText::_('Problems binding object to fields: ' . $fieldContent->getError()));
/** Checkouts all fields of this content element
public function checkin($oid=null)
$elementTable = $this->contentElement->getTable();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elementTable->Fields); $i++)
$field = $elementTable->Fields[$i];
$fieldContent = $field->translationContent;
if ($field->Translate)
if (isset($fieldContent->reference_id))
JError::raiseWarning(200, JText::_('Problems binding object to fields: ' . $fieldContent->getError()));
/** Delets all translations (fields) of this content element
public function delete($oid=null)
$elementTable = $this->contentElement->getTable();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($elementTable->Fields); $i++)
$field = $elementTable->Fields[$i];
$fieldContent = $field->translationContent;
if ($field->Translate)
if (isset($fieldContent->reference_id))
if (!$fieldContent->delete($oid))
echo $fieldContent->getError() . "<br />";
/** Returns the content element table this content is based on
public function getTable()
return $this->contentElement->getTable();
* Temporary legacy function copied from Joomla
* @param unknown_type $array
* @param unknown_type $obj
* @param unknown_type $ignore
* @param unknown_type $prefix
* @return unknown
private function _jfBindArrayToObject($array, &$obj, $ignore='', $prefix=NULL)
if (!is_array($array) || !is_object($obj))
return (false);
foreach (get_object_vars($obj) as $k => $v)
if (substr($k, 0, 1) != '_')
// internal attributes of an object are ignored
if (strpos($ignore, $k) === false)
if ($prefix)
$ak = $prefix . $k;
$ak = $k;
if (isset($array[$ak]))
$obj->$k = $array[$ak];
return true;
public function generateTranslationMap( &$article, $isNew, $tablename, $elementTable=false){
$keyname = $article->getKeyName();
$translationid = $article->$keyname;
$originalid = $this->reference_id;
if ($originalid > 0)
$language = $article->language;
$db = JFactory::getDbo();
$sql = "replace into #__jf_translationmap (reference_id, translation_id, reference_table, language ) values ($originalid, $translationid," . $db->quote($tablename) . "," . $db->quote($language) . ")";
$success = $db->query();