Hello Xavier,
Thank you for your reply, but I need some coaching:
If you don't see the "Proceed to checkout" button that maybe because you don't have the latest version of the view "cart / showcart".
Please check that you have the following code in that view:
if($cart_type == 'cart' && $this->params->get('show_cart_proceed',1)) echo $this->cart->displayButton(JText::_('PROCEED_TO_CHECKOUT'),'checkout',$this->params,$url_checkout,'window.location=\''.$url_checkout.'\';return false;');
This one is a bit beyond my current level of knowledge. How would I determine if the code is there and if not where would I add the code? I'm getting familiar with Firebug and have made many changes to the site, but changing something that I can find is different from looking for something that may not be there and then adding it.
Attached is a screenshot of the way the cart appears currently.