Hello Jerome,
Yes you're right, maybe you will have a better option for my problem
We are putting in place a second-hand selling system through Hikamarket.
I would like to propose to vendors two possibilities :
1. They sell through the marketplace, customer can buy their product through Hikamarket payment and delivery system (like priceminister)
2. They only publish classifieds, customer contact them directly to set the final price and produc pick-up or delivery (like le bon coin)
My idea was to use the quantity field to differentiate the two processes, at product creation.
1. Vendor defines a quantity > 0 (most of the time 1), the product is then purchasable, the button "add to cart" appears
2. Vendor lets the quantity to 0, the product is not purchasable, the button "add to cart" does not appear. A message "classifieds" appear (thanks to css) on products list next to these products.
In order to avoid too much errors, I wanted thus to put 0 quantity by default in the product add form in front-end.
The ideal solution would be I guess to propose a custom field "Type of sale" at product creation with the two values Classifieds / Secured sale and to make the product not purchasable (no add to card button) if Classified is selected, whatever the quantity is. But I don't konw how to do this.
Many thanks for your help.