1. While there is no option for that in the plugin, you can easily change that in the code.
Edit the file media/auto_fill/js/auto_fill.js via FTP and change the code:
billing_autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(billing, {types: ['geocode']});
billing_autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(billing, {types: ['geocode']}, componentRestrictions: { country: ["uk"] });
and the code:
shipping_autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(shipping, {types: ['geocode']});
shipping_autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(shipping, {types: ['geocode']}, componentRestrictions: { country: ["uk"] });
2. The state / county field is automatically filled on my end for a French address, but the Google Maps API doesn't return the appropriate information for a UK address. The data we use to fill that field are returned with the names: administrative_area_level_1 and administrative_area_level_2. For a UK address, the first one returns "England" and the second is not provided. So the plugin doesn't have the information to set that field. I would recommend disabling the field if you don't need it for England addresses.