There is no option to filter them. But color coding can be added quite easily.
To do that, you first need to edit the product / form view file via the menu Display>Views. There, you can find this block of code which displays the related products option:
if(hikashop_acl('product/edit/related')) { ?>
<dt class="hikashop_product_related"><label for="data_product_related_text"><?php echo JText::_('RELATED_PRODUCTS'); ?></label></dt>
<dd class="hikashop_product_related"><?php
echo $this->nameboxType->display(
'delete' => true,
'sort' => true,
'default_text' => '<em>'.JText::_('HIKA_NONE').'</em>',
There, below the line:
'default_text' => '<em>'.JText::_('HIKA_NONE').'</em>',
you can add the line:
'displayFormat' => '<span class="product_published_{product_published}">[{product_id}] {product_name}</span>',
That way, in the selector tree, each product name will be surrounded by a span with either the class product_published_0 or the class product_published_1
Then, you can add a piece of CSS to your backend template (
) for these classes. For example:
.product_published_0{ background-color: #ffdddd; }
will display a light red background for unpublished products.