The issue is not only with this recently viewed module. The products listing in each category (like for example on the page index.php/allergy-sinus/category/general-allergy ) has the same issue.
I can see that the products listing views have been customized heavily, either by you or your template.
I would recommend to try switching temporarily to the default template of Joomla in order to see if you still have the problem. It's probable you won't get the problem, and in that case the problem must be located in one of the files of the folder templates/YOUR_TEMPLATE/html/com_hikashop/product/
So you can then try renaming the files in there one by one, in order to deactivate the view overrides and refresh the listing each time to find out which file is causing the problem.
Then, you can report the issue to the person who customized this view file on your end or to your template provider if it comes from your template.