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-- PHP version -- : 5.4
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How can i do to duplicate a custom field in 2 tables?
I have a custom field in table address "address_vat" (required in registration) and a custom field in user table "vat_number"
I want when a customer submit the registration form, the field address_vat is copied in vat_number (I do this to serach the customer better in backend)
I try with this code in mysql and works
UPDATE nnj0c_hikashop_user, nnj0c_hikashop_address SET nnj0c_hikashop_user.vat_number=nnj0c_hikashop_address.address_vat WHERE nnj0c_hikashop_user.user_id=nnj0c_hikashop_address.address_user_id
but i don´t know in what field i must insert this code.
Note: I have restricted only 1 direction per customer
Coul you help me?