Hello Nicolas.
First of all, thanks for your answer, it place me at correct path, because your reply is not correct at all.
Let me explain myself.
I'm working in "Order status notification" email.
When I use your solution to number 1 question at "loadMailNotif" and "loadOrderNotification" functions, I found that the parameter itemid has duplicated in the mail URL. Then I revised proper emails at System->emails and at "Preload version" section and found next code:
$order_url = $data->order_url;
$data->order->order_url = $order_url;
if(!empty($customer->user_cms_id) && (int)$customer->user_cms_id != 0) {
$url = '<a style="color:#ffffff" href="'.$order_url.'">'. $url.'</a>';
and some lines later:
'ORDER_CHANGED' => JText::sprintf('ORDER_STATUS_CHANGED_TO', $url, $data->mail_status),
Then I undo changes at administrator/components/com_hikashop/classes/order.php and change my email "preload version" section like:
$order_url = $data->order_url;
where XXX is the Hikashop default menus item id and YYY is my menu item id.
AND BINGO!!!!, IT WORKS. And prevents to change component code.
To complete to correct email I changed "Text Version" section inserting the line
$url .= "\n".'( '.$data->order_url.' )'."\n";
Anyway, it would be great if in future versions, we could configure this menu like we can do with products and categories thought Views->Menus and Views->Modules.
Best regards