Hi Nicolas,
basically I understand what you are saying. If it was statc HTML it would be simple to skip the td-tags for the related fields.
But in php I really have no understanding how that could work. I think there need to be made some exceptions in the code only with the fields that should be displayed different (street, house number, post code, city). But as long as the code applies to all relevant fields I have no understanding.
This is the related code of the user custom_fields file:
$type = $this->type;
foreach($this->extraFields[$type] as $fieldName => $oneExtraField) {
<tr class="hikashop_registration_<?php echo $fieldName;?>_line" id="hikashop_<?php echo $type.'_'.$oneExtraField->field_namekey; ?>">
<td class="key">
<?php echo $this->fieldsClass->getFieldName($oneExtraField);?>
<?php $onWhat='onchange'; if($oneExtraField->field_type=='radio') $onWhat='onclick';
echo $this->fieldsClass->display(
' '.$onWhat.'="hikashopToggleFields(this.value,\''.$fieldName.'\',\''.$type.'\',0);"',
); ?>
<?php } ?>