There is no automatic integration available for that.
So you're left with two options:
- you redirect the customer to the chronoform registration page instead of displaying him the normal registration form of HikaShop. That's actually quite easy to do. Just edit the file "registration" of the view "user" via the menu Display>Views and add such code at the top:
<a href="http://mywebsite.com/link/to/chronoform">Click here to register<a/><?php return; ?>
Then, the customer will register viw chronoform. Of course, if you ask the address in chronoform, the address won't be used automatically by HikaShop and HikaShop will ask again the address to the customer. So you would potentially need to develop a small chronoform plugin to save the address data in the hikashop_address table. In that case, you'll want to contact chonoform for more information on how to build such plugin.
- you keep the HikaShop registration, and develop a small HikaShop plugin in order to save the data of the user where you need.
It's a cleaner workflow for the customers so I would recommend that. Building a HikaShop plugin implementing the onAfterAddressCreate should be quite simple if you're a developer. You can also find our developer documentation here: