1. You could use CSS for that.
For example, if you have:
.hikashop_user_registration_page h2{ display:none; }
that would hide this title.
2. in the file "registration" of the view "user", that you can edit via the menu Display>Views, you have that code which displays the button:
echo $this->cartClass->displayButton($registerButtonName,'register',$this->params,'',' hikashopSubmitForm(\''.$this->form_name.'\', \'register\'); return false;','id="hikashop_register_form_button"', 0, 1, 'btn btn-primary');
You can change the "btn btn-primary" to "hikabtn" in order to use the new button class of HikaShop.
Next version of HikaShop will actually have a revamp registration page which will use the new button system, like in the other views.