I've sent the email with the superuser and the FTP account.
Saving your account, a warning with a similar errore (hk_livello) is appeard on top.
You account is valid anyway, I could enter the site.
Meanwhile, this morning the owner noticed a wired behaviour.
Inside the client page some address table fields were missing. Vat number and pec address were not displayed anymore in the billing address.
I made a check on the test site too, where these fields are shown correctly.
The test site is a back up of last week; during this week I've made some modifications to the products page view, but nothing related to these values (vat and pec).
Long story short: after some hours of tries and errors I've found that on the live site I had to make these fields available to superuser too.
The wired thing is that on the test the superuser is unchecked and the fields are visible, you can see the parameters in the screenshots.
Thank you.