-- HikaShop version -- : 5.1.2
-- Joomla version -- : 5.2.2
-- PHP version -- : 8.2.23
For the entry control into a club, data such as street, address, telephone, etc. are already requested with a form. This data is stored in user custom fields within Joomla (option=com_fields&view=fields&context=com_users.user).
My customer wants to integrate a new shop. Is there a way to synchronise the address custom fields within Hikashop (billing address only) with the existing Joomla user custom fields?
This way, the user would not have to re-enter his address data after logging in when ordering for the first time. A change of address within Hikashop would also have to affect the data in the Joomla custom fields so that a single address basis is given.
Is this possible and how?
Thanks in advance.