I've made the change on the site, but it didn't solve our problem. We are using Google Universal Analytics and the Always Use Direct Call in the plugin is set to No. I haven't checked on exactly what page the site is on when sending the analytics, but per this code:
if($this->params->get('use_universal', 0)) {
$call = false;
if($this->params->get('universal_always_directcall', 0))
$call = true;
if(!$call && !$app->isAdmin()) {
$ctrl = JRequest::getCmd('ctrl', '');
$task = JRequest::getCmd('task', '');
if($ctrl == 'checkout' && $task == 'notify')
$call = true;
return $this->googleDirectCall($accounts, $order, $currencyInfo);
return $this->googleGetJS($accounts, $order, $currencyInfo);
it would seem that the only way we would be using the JS solution, which seems to be what we need because we have to have the customer's IP location for analytics / Adwords, is if the $task is NOT 'notify'. I'm working on figuring that out now.