-- HikaShop version -- : 3.2.1
-- Joomla version -- : 3.8.3
-- PHP version -- : 7.0.26
-- Browser(s) name and version -- : any
-- Error-message(debug-mod must be tuned on) -- : no error
I try to create a new order through a plugin, but it is not displayed in the the orders page. I tried using two different methods:
First using the order API:
$order = new stdClass();
$order->order_billing_address_id = 3;
$order->order_shipping_address_id = 3;
$order->order_user_id = 1;
$order->order_status = 'refunded';
$order->order_type = 'retour';
$order->order_number = 'RET'.substr($curr_time, -4);
$order->order_created = $curr_time;
$order->order_modified = $curr_time;
$order->order_currency_id = '151';
$order->order_full_price = (($result[0]->price_value) * ($prod_tax + 1));
$order->order_tax_info = $prod_tax_info;
$order->order_payment_id = '11';
$order->order_payment_method = 'check';
$order->order_shipping_id = '6';
$order->order_shipping_method = 'manual';
$order->order_shipping_params = 'O:8:\"stdClass\":1:{s:6:\"prices\";a:1:{s:3:\"6@0\";O:8:\"stdClass\":2:{s:14:\"price_with_tax\";s:7:\"0.00000\";s:3:\"tax\";d:0;}}}';
$order->order_ip = '';
$order->order_currency_info = 'O:8:\"stdClass\":4:{s:13:\"currency_code\";s:3:\"CHF\";s:13:\"currency_rate\";s:7:\"1.00000\";s:20:\"currency_percent_fee\";s:4:\"0.00\";s:17:\"currency_modified\";s:10:\"1447973156\";}';
$order->order_token = 'xxxx';
$product = new stdClass();
$product->order_product_quantity = 1;
$product->order_product_price = $result[0]->price_value;
$product->order_product_tax = ($result[0]->price_value) * $prod_tax;
$product->product_id = $retour_prod_id;
$product->order_id = $retour_order_id;
$product->order_product_name = $result[0]->product_name;
$product->order_product_code = $result[0]->product_code;
$product->order_product_price = $result[0]->price_value;
$product->order_product_tax = ($result[0]->price_value) * $prod_tax;
$product->order_product_tax_info = $prod_tax_info;
$product->order_product_shipping_id = '6@0';
$product->order_product_shipping_method = 'manual';
$order->products = array($product);
$orderClass = hikashop_get('class.order');
In this case it is creating the element in the "xx_hikashop_order" database table, but not in the "xx_hikashop_order_product" one. What is missing so that the order appears in the order admin list?
The other method I created is by inserting directly the elements in the tables "xx_hikashop_order", "xx_hikashop_history" & "xx_hikashop_order_product" and updating the product quantity in the table "xx_hikashop_product".
Although everything seems to be fine, the new orders do not appear in the hikashop back-end.