Merci Jerome
That looks beyond me, unless I find a darkened room for a couple of days!
I had hoped that adding strings for search happens on the Table Header rows during $this->pageinfo->filter->...etc statement.
But I recognise my naivety. Thanks for looking.
<th class="title"><?php echo JHTML::_('grid.sort', JText::_('HIKA_EMAIL'), 'huser.user_email', $this->pageInfo->filter->order->dir, $this->pageInfo->filter->order->value); ?></th>
<?php // extra info added BW Dec 18 ?>
<th class="title"><?php echo JHTML::_('grid.sort', 'Postcode', '', $this->pageInfo->filter->order->dir, $this->pageInfo->filter->order->value); ?></th>
I will try to find some time as it would be a useful feature for us at Juicy Bikes - thanks for your pointer.