I see several issues with the description of your problem so I'm not able to understand what is your problem.
Could you first help me understand the issue ?
1.If you have the products price only in EUR and that the system converts from EUR to BPS in order to see the prices in BPS, I guess you use the BPS currency rate that you can edit when you edit the BPS currency via the menu System>Currencies.
I don't see the link here with the fact that the discounted price is fix ? If you configured a discount for the product via the menu Orders>Discounts, the price of the product won't change daily regardless of how you configured your discount.
So that sentence is not clear "The customer will not accept daily changes of the BPS to the Euro so the discounted price is fix."
2. Coupons are discounts of the type "coupon" in HikaShop. Coupons apply to all the cart once you enter the code of the coupon on the checkout. Coupons do not change the price of products since they apply on the checkout for the whole cart and the list price of products is thus not affected by coupons so I also don't understand what you mean by "We add ad coupon reducing the price from the list price."
Could you maybe provide an example of what you want to achieve ? Like:
user A can buy product X which costs Y euros for him
user B can buy product X which costs Z pounds for him
user A can't see the price Y of product X and vice-versa
(it's just an example and I'm not sure if it fits what you want).
Also, if you have a coupon/discount, it would be great to have a screenshot of the options of the coupon/discount to make sure that we understand how you configured it.