Can you please remove the "category" restriction on your coupon ?
It might not be related but I don't see the interest to "waste" some processing to filter the products if you want to include all products.
The management of the setting "discount_minimum_order" is made in the class "discount" (administrator/component/com_hikashop/classes/discount).
In that file you can find the function "check" ; in that function please replace
$total_amount = 0;
if(!empty($coupon->products)) {
foreach($coupon->products as $product) {
$total_amount += @$product->prices[0]->$var;
$total_amount = 0;
if(!empty($coupon->products)) {
foreach($coupon->products as $product) {
if($product->cart_product_quantity > 0)
$total_amount += @$product->prices[0]->$var;
So we will be sure that the main product won't be also include in the total amount.
You are adding a variant and both of your variant and his main product have price.
That patch will be include in the next release.